quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2009

Insane dreamers!


AS THE FELLOW SAID, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A LITTLE CRAZY IN THIS JOB--BUT IT HELPS!" & the Lord said, "My people are a peculiar people" (Deut.14:2), & if people think we're a little eccentric, it's not because we're off the centre--it's because they're wobbling around themselves, way off the one & only true Centre, Jesus Christ!

SO NEARLY ALL THE PROPHETS & MEN & LEADERS OF GOD THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE & PAST AGES WERE THOUGHT TO BE NUTS BY THE REST OF THE WORLD--dreamers, visionaries, hearing voices, having hallucinations & pretty well flipped out over religion--but if I'm dreaming, let me dream on!

3. THE CONVENTIONALIST, TRADITIONALIST & CONFORMIST ROBOT NEVER MAKES NEWS. He's just like all the rest--& who gives a damn about hearing about anybody who's no different than anybody else & is right on Man's so-called norm! It's the unconventionalist, non-traditionalist, non-conformist, radical, fanatical, iconoclast, idol-smasher, breaker-downer, tearer-upper, rooter-outer & destroyer, like Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Gideon & all the rest that really make the news! The guys that stay put & never go anywhere & behave themselves, just like everybody else, don't even raise an eyebrow--don't even wake you up, or stir you, or cause a stir. The placid little pipsqueak Mr. Milktoasts, milk & water, string-for-a-backbone-jelly-fish just float around & drift with the tide, like everybody else, & never change anything, never do anything different, never buck the mainstream, never get out of line, are never out of step with the vast spineless majority, & of course, therefore, are never even heard of. They sink down with the rest in the morass of anonymity--in the mire of Nowhere & fade into oblivion, never making history! They always do what they're supposed to do & what they're told they should do, & what they should be like, & wouldn't be caught dead doing what just isn't done & what nobody's doing!

BUT ALL THE CRAZY NUTS MADE NEWS, DARED TO CHALLENGE THEIR SYSTEM, DARED TO BE DIFFERENT, dared to buck the tide, dared to shock their generation, or defy their science, or challenge their morals, or champion an unpopular cause, or do something beyond the call of duty, heroic, or fiendish, good or bad, certainly unusual, above or below the norm, abnormal, radical, heretical, revolutionary, crazy, ridiculous, far-out, heavy, bottle-breakers, freaks, misfits, dropouts, lone wolves, discoverers, inventors, explorers, history-makers, diabolical criminals, angelic saints, both good & bad, but certainly none of them indifferent!

5. ALL THESE INSANE DREAMERS, WHO ENVISIONED DOING THINGS THAT NOBODY ELSE HAD EVER DONE BEFORE, WHO THOUGHT DIFFERENTLY, acted differently & did differently than their predecessors, were all thought to have a few screws loose, bats in the belfry, or to be just a little off their rockers, compared to the rest of the people--the sickening average, the nauseating lukewarm, whom even God throws up & can't stomach: He'd rather have them hot or cold, good or bad, than just plain zero, because the zeroes never do anything--they never accomplish anything, good or bad; they never change anything; they never even make a dandy bad example. They just drift along with all the other slop, the garbage, the flotsam & jetsam, the froth & the foam, the slime & the ooze of normalcy--the silent majority, who have never made a sound in all history, never made a dent in progress, never changed a jot or a tittle, never sank so low or rose so high, never made a mark, never made any impression, so you never even knew they ever existed!

DON'T JUST STAND THERE, DO SOMETHING! I just never liked to be like everybody else! If everybody was going one way, I wanted to go the OTHER way! If everybody else was following the trail, I wanted to go straight up the cliff! Beaten paths are for beaten men!--And burning the candle at both ends may look crazy, but it sure gives a better light! You live in fame & die in flame, but nothing can stop you, 'cause they don't know how to handle it; they don't know where you're going, because nobody's ever done that before--& the rest just aren't prepared for it--so you can get away with it for quite awhile before they catch up with you! Of course, the silent majority always manages to smother the flame, overwhelming it with the sheer number of their dead bodies, but they're never able to put it out of the memory of Mankind!--That here was a man who stood out from the rest, outstanding for his achievements! He dared to be different & did what they told him not to, or they said couldn't be done, because he thought it oughta be, should be--& he could do it, no matter what the hell ANYBODY said--& he did it, by the grace of God or the Devil--& the World heard about him! But who the hell ever heard of the rest of'm?

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