sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011

Holidays Tips and Healthy Eating

Stay Active. Activities helps to burn calories and suppress cravings. Park further away and walk if you can. Make sure you stretch every morning. Get some extra calorie burning going. Remember you will be eating an extra cookie or two!

Watch out for Your Favorites. Your favorite food can lead into over eating. Alot of what you eat may be your favorites, that's ok, don't however waste calories on foods you really don't like and add extra calories to your diet.

Binging. Simply over eating is not good, you will feel tired and bloated.

Watch Your Portions. Use a smaller bowls and plates. This tricks your brain that you have finish your meal and you are full. Always measure out your food and never eat out of a bag you will eat much more.

Avoid Soda or limit them: Sugar turns into fat. It provides nothing but empty calories. Reduce consumption, if possible.

Avoid or Reduce Alcohol Alcoholic drinks such as beer contains high amount of calories. Avoid or reduce consumption if possible. Did you know that 4 oz of red wine is around 88 calories? Think about how small of an amount that is, it adds up quick!

Indulge in Seasonable Food. Try picking food fresh and natural foods. They will fill you up. Great snacks include carrots, celery, raw broccoli, vegetables and fruits are great alternatives.

Indulge in Something Other than Food. It is the holiday you will want to eat things you get once a year, it's ok in moderation, just remember you will be dissappointed on the work it will take later on to take it off. Try playing a game, even watch a movie with the family. Take a walk talk about old times and christmas past.

Dining Out : Ask your server to give you dressings on the side, steam vegetables without the butter and cut back on the calories you can eat more of the fun stuff, after all its the holiday and you have to enjoy the things life is worth living for! Have a great healthy and safe holiday, eat right using portion contro

Have a great weekend!

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