quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2011

" Heaven is for Real" - "O Céu é de Verdade!"

Uma amiga me emprestou um livro que é best seller, chamado "O Céu é de Verdade". Este livro conta a experiência de um garoto americano, filho de um pastor evangélico, que quando tinha 4 anos passou por uma cirurgia e enquanto estava entre a vida e a morte, foi ao céu e encontrou Jesus, Deus, seu bisavô, e muitas outras experiências incríveis que podem mudar a sua visão da morte, do céu e da sua vida na Terra!  Eu peguei para ler e não parei até terminar. Foi uma leitura especialmente emocionante para mim que tenho um filho e pais que estão no Céu. Eu altamente recomendo este livro para os que acreditam no céu, que tem entes queridos que já partiram desta dimensão, que serão reconfortados pela sinceridade e simplicidade da experiência real de uma criança, e também para os que não acreditam e talvez passem a crer quando o lerem.  

Book Review on "Heaven is for Real"

Heaven is for Real, by Todd Burpo is a true life story about his little boy, Colton, that experiences a trip to heaven during surgery after his appendix ruptured at four years old. It was an engrossing story, and one that I found myself wishing hadn't ended yet.

The story takes place in Imperial, Nebraska, somewhere that drew me in at first because of being familiar with Western Nebraska, where the "big" city was North Platte at a staggering population of 23,000 people, and because it had a Walmart, that took an hour to get to from where we lived. The first part of the book is Todd Burpo telling the story of Colton of where and when Colton got sick and their driving between Greeley, Colorado, Imperial, Nebraska, and finally North Platte, Nebraska. I could feel my anxiety rising as I had experienced those same drives, just not with a sick little boy in the backseat. Little towns in western Nebraska are spaced out about 20 miles each, and not all of them have a hospital.

I liked that Todd Burpo, a pastor, wrote about how he felt. He knew how he SHOULD feel because of his profession, but he is a man, and a father, and with those titles comes very human feelings. He went from impatience, rage and hurt to prayer, thankfulness and a bit of humbling. It was refreshing to read something that was so real and in a way, as if you were right there with his family experiencing this tragedy.

Colton was taken into surgery without much hope of survival. Amazingly, he did survive, and even though he had to go back for one more surgery, he healed completely. Todd and his wife, Sonja, grateful to have their little boy back, returned home to resume life. Only, life was about to change. Colton had some things to share: a trip to heaven.

Recalled and written with the simplest of words, Todd tells the experiences Colton described. Nobody was old and no one wore glasses. God was really, really big. Jesus wouldn't let him play with the swords in heaven because it was dangerous for a little guy. He described angels, God, Jesus, Satan and a war that will occur. He even met a sister that Sonja had miscarried. Later as Colton aged, he was able to give comfort to others that were on death's door, or had already lost loved ones. He said he saw dogs, birds and a friendly lion too. He reminded his parents often that God and Jesus love, really LOVE, little children.

I've always been interested in these stories. I know that our life here is just temporary, but our spirits have existed before our trip here, and will exist after we leave here. Having experienced four miscarriages, it was comforting to hear that we WILL see those children again. It was a beautiful story that gives hope, encouragement, and peace to anyone that believes in God, knowing that we are all on a journey here, just some don't have to be here as long as others.

I highly recommend this book! It's a quick read, fast and interesting, and entertaining. It will leave you with questions and inquiries to make because you will just want to know more. The last line of the book summary sums it up with this, "Heaven is for Real will forever change the way you think of eternity, offering the chance to see, and believe, like a child."

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